Half Termly Project Work
NEW: we are now setting project work (instead of learning logs).
This is completely optional as to whether or not children want to take part in it.
Each term, children will be given a photo or picture or maybe an open ended question or specific topic related to our WAC or science unit. You will find the given task on this page but children will be introduced to it at school. Children can then be as creative as they like to create a piece (or pieces) of work in any way that they want related to the task set.
There is no right or wrong answer - we are just hoping to encourage and develop creativity and independence.
Examples of work could be: a poem, a piece of art work, a 3D model, a report, a story, a fact file, a video, a song, interview someone of relevance...the possibilities are endless!
In the last week of each half term, time will be given to celebrate the work created by the children who take part.
Project 1 - Autumn 2
WAC - Earthquakes and Volcanoes
'How Can Change Impact Our Lives?'
Please create a piece of work based around the following picture. (See above for ideas)
Due: Friday 15th December
Project 2 - Spring
WAC (History) - The Creation of Britain: Let's Settle This
Due: Friday 22nd March
We look forward to seeing even more amazing and creative submissions!
We will be sharing these as a year group and will be celebrating the hard work that has been put into your work :)
Project 4 - Summer 1
Science - Living Things and their Habitats
Due: TBC
You might know that bees are so important for our environment. Have a think about how bees might link to our 'Living Things and their Habitats' unit in science. Or maybe you'd like to focus on another living thing or group of living things. Maybe you'd like to research a habitat of your choosing, or could you create a habitat that would be perfect for a group of living things?!
We look forward to seeing even more amazing and creative submissions!
Project 5 - Summer 2
Due: TBC
This half term we are focusing on Design and Technology in our WAC lessons