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Great Missenden Church of England Combined School

An Academy of the Great Learners Trust


Homework Help and Guidance

Our 'Home Learning Policy' can be found under the Policies tab (link below).


On this page, please find an overview of home learning information and expectations as well as guidance for how to support your child. Thank you for your ongoing support with this.

Home Learning Overview


For KS1 and KS2, each year group has 4 areas of home learning: reading, maths, phonics/spelling/SPaG and the wider curriculum. Homework is built up progressively across the year depending on the age and stage of the children to support them in settling into their new class in September. Therefore, not all homework begins from September. Each class page on our website has a home learning section with 4 respective links that explain the expectations for that specific year group. Please check you child's class page for further information and regular updates such as spelling lists and optional wider curriculum projects.




Reading is fundamental. Children who are unable to read fluently and understand what they are reading struggle with all aspects of school life. Whilst children are exposed to a range of texts in school, have opportunities to read independently and as a class and are taught the skills of reading in school, it is important that this is followed up at home. Children should be encouraged to read a range of texts as often as possible as this will not only develop their decoding skills but their understanding of grammar, sentence structure and spellings whilst improving their vocabulary and ideas for writing a range of genres. Children will bring home banded books from school each week unless they are a free reader. A banded book has a colour or level on the back or side of the book and these banded books are used to support each child’s personal reading progression. Reading should be recorded in reading records (KS1) / homework diaries (KS2) with a comment on how they found their reading and comments about what they have read- using VIPERS skills where possible.


Reading at home can also include reading to or with your child/ren. Through listening to other people reading books, children can develop their own reading skills - they will listen to the way you read, your intonation, learn more vocabulary, and it can be a good time to spend together and explore something interesting to you.


Question stems to use when reading with your child at home - Linked to the VIPERS skills

Maths Calculation Workshop for Parents / Carers 26.4.23

Please find the powerpoint, resources and photos from our maths workshop below!




Maths Calculation Workshop

Parent Support with Timestable Rockstars and Numbots at home

Please watch the following videos and read the following handout for further support with using timestable rockstars and numbot at home with your child:


We would always encourage parents to frequently practise times tables and number bonds with their children too. This can be done almost anywhere, whether sitting down formally or informally testing them in the car on the way to school!

EdShed Parent guide - for Spelling Shed, Phonics Shed and Quiz Shed

If your child is using EdShed at school, this video will show you how to log into their account and access the games, assignments and challenges.
*Please note - we do NOT use Ed Shed for maths homework.
