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Great Missenden Church of England Combined School

An Academy of the Great Learners Trust


Year 6

Welcome to Year 6!

Mr Austin & Miss Chiles (6A), Mr Sperring and Mrs Angell (6AS) and Mr Pausey (6P)


What an important, flourishing and fun year - Year 6 is! It is very busy and action packed but also very rewarding and developmental.

As a year group, we have exciting topics, trips and lessons planned and look forward to the learning journey we have in store.

As a school and year group, we continue to be independent learners and use our growth mindset every day to learn from mistakes, this is particularly important in Year 6 especially in our preparation for secondary school. We set an example to the rest of the school and have increased responsibilities. We look forward to seeing what the year has to offer and we want to make the most of the opportunities in our last year of primary school.


Please contact any of us on if you need to ask us any questions or discuss anything with us.


Our WAC Topics 

Autumn Term- Do we always appreciate what we've got?

Geography focus: Our Earth


Spring Term- How has the past shaped our present ways of life?

History focus: Full Steam Ahead (Victorians)


Summer Term- How does difference define us?

Art focus: Wacky and Wonderful


Dates for Autumn Term:

6th September - Hook Day!

10th September - Practice transfer test

12th September - Actual transfer test

16th September - Clubs start

18th September - House captain elections (no powerpoints!)

20th September - Dahlicious Day

27th September - TTRS day

30th September - Individual school photos


7th October - Year 5 and 6 Bikeability (Week 1)

14th October - Year 6 and 6 Bikeability (Week 2)

18th October - Harvest Service (children only)

21st October - SEN parents evenings begin

21st October - Parent book look @ 3:30pm

22nd October - Parent book look @ 8:15am

24th October - EYFS & KS1 farmers market

25th October - HALF TERM!!


4th November - Back to school

6th November - Parents evening

7th November - Parents evening

11th November - Sibling school photos

15th November - Free Children In Need mufti

25th November - RE immersion day

26th November - Flu immunisations


2nd December - Last week of clubs

18th December - Year 6 Xmas market

19th December - Xmas jumper day mufti

19th December - XMAS HOLIDAYS!!

River Dart Meeting

Still image for this video

Other Useful Information
