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Great Missenden Church of England Combined School

An Academy of the Great Learners Trust


Year 5

Welcome to Year 5!

Mrs Barac (5B), Miss Wright (5W) and Mr Trice (5T)


Year 5, like every school year, is busy, action-packed and rewarding. We have exciting topics, lessons, activities and trips planned. We continue to develop our independence as learners, our growth mindsets and our resilience through making and learning from mistakes. We look forward to seeing what the year has to offer and we want the children to have an exciting and fulfilling year.

Please keep an eye on this page for updates of things coming up!

Email address:

Our WAC topics


Autumn Term- How can change impact our lives? 

Geography focus: Earthquakes and Volcanoes


Spring Term- What does it mean to belong? 

History focus: ‘Let’s settle this’ – Romans, Anglo Saxons and Vikings 


Summer Term- How does our perspective guide us?

Art focus: Art is all around us (focus on landscapes and impressionism) 


Key dates for Year 5 Autumn Term

Games: Monday


Wednesday - 5T

Thursday - 5B

Friday- 5W


  • Thursday 5th September - First day back, Meet the Teacher
  • Friday 6th September - Hook Day (non-dress up)
  • Friday 20th - Dahlicious Day
  • Friday 27th September - Times Table Rockstars Day
  • Saturday 28th September - Gayhurst Cross Country
  • W/C Monday 30th September - Assessment week 
  • Monday 30th September - Individual School Photos
  • Friday 18th October - Harvest Service
  • Monday 21st October - Parent Book Look
  • Tuesday 22nd October - Parent Book Look




  • Wednesday 6th November - Parents Evening
  • Thursday 7th November - Parents Evening
  • Monday 11th November - Sibling School Photos
  • Thursday 14th November - National History Museum Trip
  • Friday 15th November - Children in Need Mufti
  • Monday 25th November - RE Immersion Day
  • Friday 13th December - Year 3 Christmas Show
  • Thursday 19th December - Christmas Jumper Day


Bikeability: Three week schedule. 

1st Week: 7th -11th October

2nd Week: 14th - 17th October 

3rd Week: 21st - 24th October


Please check back regularly for updates

Kit days

As per last year, the children are welcome to come into school dressed in their PE kit on the days they have PE and Games. Children should have full school PE kit, earrings need to be taken out or taped up and watches should be removed. 


PE and Games (Autumn 1):

All three classes - Monday (Games).  PE for 5T is Wednesday, 5B is Thursday and 5W is Friday. Games and PE will normally be outside during the Autumn term so please ensure your children have coats or equivalent in colder weather.

Meet the Teacher Slides (2024-25)

*UPDATED 2024* PGL Caythorpe Information
