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Great Missenden Church of England Combined School

An Academy of the Great Learners Trust


PE & Games

PE & Games at Great Missenden School


In line with our school’s vision the children are exposed to a range of sports within the curriculum, providing them with windows of opportunity to expand their knowledge and enthusiasm for learning. 


Throughout the year they are encouraged to observe and support their peers during PE and Games lessons, as well as reflect on their own performances, as if they are looking at themselves in a mirror.  


Doors are opened to provide children with sporting opportunities through festival events and extra-curricular activities, developing a passion for sport that continues to flourish later in their lives. 





Physical development is one of the three prime areas within the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS). Each prime area is divided into Early Learning Goals, for physical development these are: 


Gross Motor Skills 

  • Children at the expected level of development will: 

    • Negotiate space and obstacles safely, with consideration for themselves and others; 

    • Demonstrate strength, balance and coordination when playing; 

    • Move energetically, such as running, jumping, dancing, hopping, skipping and climbing. 


Fine Motor Skills 

  • Children at the expected level of development will: 

    • Hold a pencil effectively in preparation for fluent writing 

    • using the tripod grip in almost all cases; 

    • Use a range of small tools, including scissors, paint brushes and cutlery; 

    • Begin to show accuracy and care when drawing. 




The programme of study outlines five areas that all children should be involved in at Key Stage One, focusing on developing fundamental movement skills and becoming increasingly more confident in sport. These are: 

  • Team Games – indoor and outdoor 

  • Gymnastics 

  • Dance 

  • Multi-Skills activities 

  • Hand/Foot-eye coordination development 


In addition, forest school skills (EYFS and KS1), team building activities and simple athletic skills will be taught over the school year.  




The programme of study outlines seven areas that all children should be involved in at Key Stage Two. These are: 

  • Running, jumping, throwing and catching in isolation and combination

  • Competitive games – indoor and outdoor

  • Gymnastics  

  • Dance 

  • Athletics (summer term) 

  • Swimming (years 3 and year 6 'booster sessions' take place once a week during the summer term and the Chiltern Lifestyle Centre). 

  • Outdoor and adventurous activities (through field and residential visits as well as PE lessons) 


Another focus for KS2 relates to the children taking more responsibility in comparing their performances with previous performances in sporting activities. We also complete both photo and video assessments, as well as self-reflection opportunities for the pupils each half-term allowing them to reflect and celebrate their successes.  


The staff and governors at Great Missenden C of E School (GMS) believe that Physical Education (PE) plays a vital part in the development of the whole child. PE is a foundation subject of paramount importance within the National Curriculum for which all teaching staff have a responsibility for, as well as encouraging children to take part in physical activity outside of the school day.


To truly understand the impact of our Physical Education curriculum, you have to come and see us!


At Great Missenden School, we are athletes! We have started to introduce clear exit points for each unit of Physical Education, where children are given the opportunity to perform and are provided with feedback from both their peers and staff. Photos and videos are taken throughout the term, which make up part of the assessment process.  Children are provided with the opportunity to evaluate their own performance and that of their peers, contributing positive and constructive feedback to one another. Through the safe learning enviroment that is created in lessons, children are encouraged to express themselves and support one another, as part of their development.


We believe that the physical aspect is only one part of what makes up Physical Education.  Together with the cognitive, social and well-being skills received throughout lessons, we build on the holistic view of the child. This ensures the children are well prepared for their life-long sporting journeys. We maximise sporting and well-being opportunities for children to ensure they have the confidence to lead a healthy and active lifestyle beyond their time at this school. 


Our children leave Great Missenden with more knowledgeable about the positive impact Physical Education has on their bodies. They understand how new skills are learnt and applied within different sports. They leave the school with a confidence in their own sporting abilities and how this affects them on a day to day basis.


