Welcome to Reception!
Welcome to Reception!
In Reception, we aim to provide a calm, nurturing environment in which children feel safe and secure and ready to learn. We focus on learning through play whilst supporting the transition for school readiness, moving on to Year 1.
Children are encouraged to take risks in their learning through first hand experiences and a stimulating environment that encourages children to challenge themselves.
Activities are child-led and based on children's interests and next steps, with a focus on outdoor learning and Forest School. Children are encouraged to spend as much time as possible in the outdoor environment.
We have a Forest School session every week and this ethos is embedded throughout the Early Years at Great Missenden. Many skills learned in the outdoor environment are transferable to the more formal classroom environment such as problem solving, communication skills, developing vocabulary, team building and activities that build resilience.
Teacher: Miss Cartwright
LSA: Miss Crick
Home Learning
The homework for Early Years should consist of reading to children, sharing books, taking children to places of interest and talking with them to extend their vocabulary. Please prioritise daily reading to your child as it is so important to foster a love of reading and stories as early as possible in a child's learning journey.
In Reception, we have weekly discussion time when we encourage children to share special events or activities they have participated in outside of school time. We love hearing about the children's passions and interests! We also encourage parents to upload activities that the children have been getting up to at home on Tapestry as we love discussing what we have read on there with the children!
Dates for Autumn Term 2
Wednesday 6th November - Parent / Teacher meetings (3:20-6:30pm)
Please keep an eye on the weekly school newsletter for further important dates.