Collective Worship
Collective Worship Rotas
Collective Worship Policy:
Our Collective Worship Policy can be found here:
Collective Worship at Great Missenden School
Worship takes place every day at Great Missenden. Whether it's time to reflect in classrooms, a grace before lunch or a whole school, we find time to worship collectively.
We believe worship is the heart of our school. It is designed to make the children think, reflect on their faith, question norms and challenge stereotypes.
Assemblies are lively, engaging and full of surprises. There will often be a story, a quiz, a short film presentation or a game requiring audience participation. The children have a wide repertoire of songs, and love to raise the roof, often singing in rounds or harmony.
Religious Education is taught following the Diocese of Oxford Agreed Syllabus guidelines and is intended to give children a sound knowledge of Christianity and other world religions.
Our Vicar, Malcolm Chalmers, plays an important part in the worship at Great Missenden. He delivers an assembly every Monday to the whole school. Furthermore, each year group visits the Church at least once a term for a service in which the children take an active part. Find out more about our local church, St Peter and St Paul, on their website:
As well as our wonderful assemblies, we have plenty of other opportunities to allow the children to worship. In each class you will find a prayer wall. Here the children can place prayers and thoughts, either as a way to reflect or simply a form of release. A cross is clearly displayed with a grace said before each lunchtime. Our six Christian values are at the front of classrooms as a constant reminder to demonstrate: Faith, Truth, Love, Community, Respect and Courage. At Great Missenden, we believe we should "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." So much so, we have revolved and based our behaviour policy around Matthew 7:12.
Each class has the opportunity to prepare and present an assembly to the school and parents. This is usually related to the work being done in class and gives all the children a chance to perform in front of an audience.
What does Collective Worship look like at Great Missenden School?
Collective Worship does not just mean assemblies. It is embedded in everything that we do in school! Our values are constantly referred to and children are encouraged to reflect upon their learning regularly.
Assemblies at Great Missenden School:
Monday | Rev. Malcolm Chalmers presents a Christian story. |
Tuesday | Although no assembly is scheduled for this day, year groups are expected to deliver worship in class through RE lesson, PSHE, morning prayers or graces. |
Wednesday | A member of SLT introduces a theme or topic for the week/month e.g. Black History Month, courage or Ascension. |
Thursday | Hymn practice with Mrs Hulbert |
Friday | The ‘Brilliant Book Assembly’ celebrates and praises the achievements of the children. |