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Great Missenden Church of England Combined School

An Academy of the Great Learners Trust


Useful Information and Forms

Absence Request


Absence during term time will only be authorised in EXCEPTIONAL CIRCUMSTANCES.  Permission will not be granted for leave of absence immediately prior to or during assessment or examination periods.

The completed form should be submitted no less than one month before the proposed period of absence.  Parents are strongly advised to discuss the application with the class teacher before submission.  The Head Master will carefully consider your request and may take your child's attendance record into account.  If permission is refused any absence for the above period, this will be recorded at the end of the school year as unauthorised absence.

There are some occasions, for example bereavements, where it may be inappropriate for children to attend school. We will of course be sympathetic to such needs.

Absence Request Form

Medical/Dental Appointment Requests

Medical/Dental Appointments should be arranged outside of school hours, however we accept that this is not always possible.  Please inform the school in advance of such appointments by completing this form.
On the day of the appointment please collect/return your child from the office so that they can sign in/out. 

Medical/Dental Appointment Request Form

Medical Conditions


Any child with a medical condition requiring medication or support in school should have an individual Health Care Plan, which details what support the child needs. 


Medications that are required to held in an accessible location such as inhalers and adrenalin pens are kept in ‘grab bags’ in each class. The must be kept in school at all times and replaced before their expiry date.

Individual HealthCare Plan

Medication in school 


We understand that sometimes it’s necessary for your child to have medication administered during the school day and if this does occur, we can help. Please complete Parental Agreement for School to Administer Medication form and bring the medicine to the office. We can only support with medication that needs to be administered 4 times a day. All administration of medicine is time and date recorded.

Medicines are kept in the school office and where required can be stored in a fridge and collected at the end of the day.

Parental Agreement for School to Administer Medicine

Permission to Walk Home From School 


Year 6 children are permitted to walk home from school by themselves providing we have consent from a Parent/Guardian.  Applications for children in lower year groups to walk home alone will be considered on a case by case basis by Mr Magee.


Application for Parking Permit 2024/25

Parking Permit Application

Parents' Consultation Evenings 

School Cloud is our online appointment booking system for Parents Consultation Evenings. This allows you to select your own appointment times with teachers and you will receive an email confirming your appointments.

School Payments 


Great Missenden is a cashless school.  All payments are made via School gateway (except for school lunches).

School Gateway Login

School Gateway User Guide for Parents
