Year 3
Welcome to Year 3!
Mrs Cammack - 3C
Mr Allison - 3A
What an exciting year, Year 3 is! We have terrific topics, engaging lessons and are lucky enough to have a specialist Music, PE and languages teacher.
Now that the children are in Year 3, we will be encouraging more independent learning through developing a growth mindset. Through learning from mistakes, never giving up and always trying our best.
Key dates:
3rd September INSET DAY
4th September INSET Day
5th September Start of Autumn Term
5th September Meet the Teacher
Please check back regularly for updates
Year 3 Timetables
Spelling tests will commence every Tuesday.
These will be assigned once we have carried out initial assessments.
Please check your Spelling Shed account to look for the assignments set by your teacher.
Games & PE
All children will come into school in their P.E kits when they have Games and PE. Games will take place for all classes on a Tuesday and PE on a Thursday.
Autumn Topic Web
WAC Throughout The Year!
This Year...WE ARE
Autumn Term - We are Geographers!
We will be learning about 'Rivers'.
Spring Term- We are Historians!
We will be learning about 'The Stone Age to the Iron Age'.
Summer Term- We are Designers and Artists!
We will be learning about A Midsummer Night's Dream focusing on theatre, costume design, props and more!
Important Information
In Year 3, from the beginning of the year, we strongly encourage the children to read everyday for a minimum of 10 minutes. They are required to record this in their Home Diaries as part of their Home Learning.
Across the school there is a comprehension focus on children's reading. Children should regularly be questioned on what they have read and how much they understand the text. We will have similar exercises in school to support this learning, including the use of our reading VIPERS (Vocabulary, Inference, Prediction, Explanation, Retrieval and Summarise/Sequence).
Year 3 Home Learning
Home Learning in Year 3 is set on Tuesdays and due the following Tuesday.
Please find a list of suggested reads for Year 3 children:
Spelling Shed: all children have access to their assignments directly linked to their group’s word list.
Optional Project: please look on the Year 3 class page on our website to access the optional project.
Reading: children are expected to read 5x a week. Please log this in their Homework Diary.
TT Rockstars: we are really pushing times tables in Year 3. Children will be focussing on
3, 4 and 8 however the more they know the better!
Autumn 1 Spelling Words
Optional Project:
NEW: we are now setting project work (instead of learning logs).
This is completely optional as to whether or not children want to take part in it.
Each term, children will be given a photo or picture or maybe an open ended question or specific topic related to our WAC or science unit. You will find the given task on this page but children will be introduced to it at school. Children can then be as creative as they like to create a piece (or pieces) of work in any way that they want related to the task set.
There is no right or wrong answer - we are just hoping to encourage and develop creativity and independence.
Examples of work could be: a poem, a piece of art work, a 3D model, a report, a story, a fact file, a video, a song, interview someone of relevance...the possibilities are endless!
In the last week of each half term, time will be given to celebrate the work created by the children who take part.