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Great Missenden Church of England Combined School

An Academy of the Great Learners Trust


Year 3

Welcome to Year 3!

enlightenedMrs Cammack - 3C

enlightenedMrs Cooke - 3A


What an exciting year, Year 3 is! We have terrific topics, engaging lessons and are lucky enough to have a specialist Music, PE and languages teacher. 

Now that the children are in Year 3, we will be encouraging more independent learning through developing a growth mindset. Through learning from mistakes, never giving up and always trying our best.

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WAC Throughout The Year!

This Year...WE ARE

Autumn Term - We are Geographers!

We will be learning about 'Rivers'.


Spring Term- We are Historians!

We will be learning about 'The Stone Age to the Iron Age'.


Summer Term- We are Designers and Artists!

We will be learning about A Midsummer Night's Dream focusing on theatre, costume design, props and more!


Key dates:


10-13th February SEND Parents Evening

11th February Stone Age Workshop (Year 3)

13th February Oracy Competition Final

14th February Break Up for Half Term

24th February INSET Day

25th February Return to School

26th-27th February Parent Consultations

28th February World Book Day (MUFTI)



6th March Coffee Van in KS2 Playground

21st March World Downs Syndrome Awareness Day - MUFTI



3rd April Year 3 Farmers Market

3rd April Coffee Van in KS2 Playground

4th April End of Spring Term, 2.15pm

22nd April Back to School

22nd April Earth Day

29th April-6th May Book Fair



1st May Coffee Van in KS2 Playground

5th May Bank Holiday

22nd May Break up for Half Term

23rd May INSET Day



2nd June Back to School

5th June Coffee Van in KS2 Playground

18th June Whole School Sports Day



2nd July Transition Day

4th July Coffee Van in KS2 Playground

23rd July End of term, 2.15pm


Please check back regularly for updates

Games & PE

All children will come into school in their P.E kits when they have Games and PE. Games will take place for all classes on a Tuesday and PE on a Thursday.


