From September onwards, children will have access to the online platform ‘Timestables rockstars’ where they can practise their timestables regularly. After October half term, at least one weekly Maths task will be set using an online maths platform. Regular ‘Timestable rockstars’ competitions will also be set. Timestables are fundamental to many areas in maths and we really encourage the regular practise of timestables in Year 5 and 6 to ensure children maintain these skills.
Please find the link to Timestable Rockstars below. If you have any difficulties logging in to your child's account, please speak to the class teacher.
Check back here after half term for more information on the weekly Maths tasks!
White Rose Infinity
Starting from December, Year 5 will be setting additional maths worksheets that can be completed online or by printing and completing on paper.
These questions will relate to current learning and revision of previous units of work.
The quickest way to access the worksheets is to scan the QR code from the White Rose Infinity app (which will change weekly) and put in your child's individual pupil code. These codes have now been handed out and stuck in each child's homework diary.
You can also use the website following the steps below:
To log in:
Enter the school code: JXQ-LKY
Enter the pupil code: xxx-xxx-xxx
Enter the quiz code: xx-xx-xx
Please note that if you choose to use a printed pdf version, your child should still bring it in by Tuesday morning for their teacher to see.