White Rose Infinity - Weekly Tasks
Please find below the home learning task set for the week.
Online access:
or download the White Rose Infinity app on iOS/Android. The QR code will only work if you are accessing it through the White Rose App.
If you are struggling to access the platform - pdf versions of the sheet and answers are available for you to download if you prefer to print it from home.
Times Tables
Children have access to the online platform ‘Timestables Rockstars’ where they can practise their timestables regularly. Regular TTRS competitions will also be set. We are really pushing times tables in Year 4 - by the end of the year, our aim is for the children to know all of their timestables up to 12x12!
If you have any difficulties logging in to your child's account, please speak to the class teacher.
Your child will be provided with a Times Table Tracker each week. These are to be handed in to their class teacher every Friday. On the tracker, they can tick off which 'games' they have played on TTRS and write in the space for any additional practice completed, such as reciting the 4x table in the car!
An example of how to fill the sheet in is attached below: