Wider Curriculum
Wider curriculum
From October half term onwards, optional extended home learning challenges will be set half termly on the Year 5 class page on the school website.
Each half term, children will be given a photo, picture or maybe an open-ended question or specific topic related to our WAC or Science unit. Children can then be as creative as they like to create a piece (or pieces) of work in any style that they want related to the task set. There is no right or wrong answer - we are just hoping to encourage and develop creativity and independence.
Examples of work could be: a poem, a piece of art work, a 3D model, a report, a story, a fact file, a video, a song, interview someone of relevance...the possibilities are endless!
In the last week of each half term, time will be given to celebrate the work created by the children who take part.
*Check back here after half term for the first challenge!
Autumn 2
Due date
Spring 1
Due date
Spring 2
Due date
Summer 1
Due date
Summer 2
Due date