Greatmoor Trip
On 5th March the Key Stage Two Eco Warriors and SNAG members visited the Greatmoor Energy From Waste facility. The children learned about what can and cannot be recycled and what happens to our black-bag, non-recyclable, rubbish. Instead of being put into the adjacent landfill site, our non-recyclable waste is burned at Greatmoor. This heats up water in a boiler and the resulting steam powers a turbine, which generates electricity.
It was a fascinating visit, we were particularly awed by the enormous grab cranes moving huge volumes of rubbish at a time, the view into the incinerator and the massive fans cooling the water before it is fed back into the boiler. The children were a credit to us, with the Greatmoor Education Manager commenting on their exemplary behaviour during the visit.
It was great to see that in our area non-recyclable waste is not going to landfill but is instead being used to generate electricity. It's also really important to understand that it is still more efficient and environmentally-friendly to reduce, reuse and recycle as much as we possibly can.