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Great Missenden Church of England Combined School

An Academy of the Great Learners Trust


Switch Off Fortnight 28th January - 8th February

The Eco Warriors did a brilliant job introducing Switch Off Fortnight in Assembly on Tuesday, explaining why it is important to save energy and how we can all help to do it. Examples we learnt about were:


Switch off standby mode, wearing more layers rather than turning up the heating and turning off lights when you leave a room. We learnt that turning off a light for just a few seconds saves more energy that it takes for the light to start up again, regardless of the type of light! According to the Energy Saving Trust just doing this can save around £15 per person per year.


Please ask your children what other suggestions the Eco Warriors had and for more ideas, visit


It would be great if you could please encourage your child/ren to tell their class Eco Warrior about things your family are doing at home to save energy, so that we can acknowledge these efforts and inspire others. Thank you. Mrs May
